March 11, 2025
I realized it’s been a long time since I’ve updated the website! We’ve been enjoying our time at home with Oliver. He’s been really happy, energetic, and in need of a haircut (I thought he would lose his hair so this is a pleasant surprise).
We haven’t had many updates lately. Last week, we met with the bone marrow transplant team to get an overview of the process. As of today, we still haven’t heard anything from the 10/10 donor. They haven’t reached her yet, so please pray the donor organization will be able to contact her tomorrow and she would be willing to get a blood draw and ultimately donate bone marrow. We do have an international 9/10 donor who is getting blood work on Thursday, so that’s encouraging! They will send his blood here to make sure he is still a good match for Oliver. We also have two other 9/10 donors we haven’t been able to reach yet.
We went into clinic this morning for another intrathecal chemo injection and a bone marrow biopsy. We will get the results of the biopsy back on Friday. If this round of chemo has been successful, we will repeat this 28-day round again and should get to home much earlier and do most of it outpatient. If it is not successful, we will have to do a standard round of chemo (which has proven to not be very successful at treating his type of cancer) and will be in the hospital for 5 weeks. Please pray that this chemo would be successful and we would get good news from the bone marrow biopsy results! We will start one of the rounds on Friday afternoon.
We had a very sweet and special baptism for Oliver on our back porch tonight. We had scheduled a baptism for him a few weeks ago and because we couldn’t make that work, our pastor and his wife were kind enough to come to us! ❤️