March 4, 2025
We have all enjoyed the last few days at home together as a family. Oliver continues to do well and seems really happy to be home.
We went to clinic today to get a lab draw and check his counts. His last day of chemo is today so his white counts were expected to be low (which they were). Once his white blood counts go up, we will be able to get a bone marrow biopsy to see how well this first round of chemo worked. We will get to be home with him this week until we check his counts again next Tuesday.
Please continue praying:
1. For our bone marrow donor (we haven’t heard any news yet)— that she would be willing to get a blood draw and ultimately give her bone marrow to save Oliver’s life.
2. That our family (especially Oliver) and those helping us would not come down with any illness while his counts are still so low.
3. That this round of chemo would be successful and eliminate enough of the cancer so we don’t have to do a more intense round of chemo.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support! This community has been so generous and has really kept our spirits up. If you’d like to be part of the Meal Train( located under- How can I help?), my sister has opened up new April dates! Not thinking about food has been such a gift these last couple months. There are also a few more toys added and some Starbucks gift cards for our medical team. We so appreciate your generosity!
I also wanted to share a fundraising link for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Mary-Knowles is a student dedicating her fundraising efforts to Oliver this year. LLS funds research, provides patient support, and helps advocate for new therapies in the fight against blood cancers. If you would like to help her support LLS, her goal is to raise $5000 by April 12.