February 11, 2025

Oliver’s procedure went well today! It was very short—about 15 minutes—and the hardest part was definitely keeping him from eating or drinking all morning since they didn’t come get him until about 9:30 and they had told me they were getting him at 7:00. Other than being hangry, he does well with sedation and wakes up so quickly. He sat right up afterwards and asked to go back to the room and to have a popsicle. He then started talking and saying hi to everybody around him.

He continues to have a big fan club wherever he goes, and we often have visits from attending doctors and residents who aren’t even working on his floor but cared for him over the past few weeks and want to come say hello!

The rest of the afternoon was pretty uneventful and the next couple weeks should be the same. He is just getting his oral chemo and because his counts are still good (though not normal), he’s allowed to get out of the room and explore the hospital a little bit, which has been nice for him.


February 13, 2025


February 10, 2025